Bounds on the Network Coding Capacity for Wireless Random Networks
Bounds on the Number of Iterations for Turbo-Like Ensembles over the Binary Erasure Channe
Bounds on the Pseudo-Weight of Minimal Pseudo-Codewords of Projective Geometry Codes
Bounds on the Rate of 2-D Bit-Stuffing Encoders
Bounds on the Reconstruction of Sparse Signal Ensembles from Distributed Measurements
Bounds on the Sum Capacity of Synchronous Binary CDMA Channels
Bounds on the Threshold of Linear Programming Decoding
Bounds on Threshold of Regular Random $k$-SAT
Bounds on Thresholds Related to Maximum Satisfiability of Regular Random Formulas
Broadcast Analysis for Large Cooperative Wireless Networks
Broadcast Approach and Oblivious Cooperative Strategies for the Wireless Relay Channel - Part I: Sequential Decode-and-Forward (SDF)
Broadcast Approach and Oblivious Cooperative Strategies for the Wireless Relay Channel - Part II: Block-Markov Decode-and-Forward (BMDF)
Broadcast Capacity Region of Two-Phase Bidirectional Relaying
Broadcast Channels with Confidential Messages by Randomness Constrained Stochastic Encoder
Broadcast Channels with Cooperating Decoders
Broadcast Channels with Delayed Finite-Rate Feedback: Predict or Observe?
Broadcast Cooperation Strategies for Two Colocated Users
Broadcasting Correlated Gaussians
Broadcasting in Time-Division Duplexing: A Random Linear Network Coding Approach
Broadcasting over the Relay Channel with Oblivious Cooperative Strategy