Complexity of the conditional colorability of graphs
Complexity of the Minimum Cost Homomorphism Problem for Semicomplete Digraphs with Possible Loops
Complexity of the path avoiding forbidden pairs problem revisited
Component Coloring of Proper Interval Graphs and Split Graphs
Component Evolution in General Random Intersection Graphs
Compound Node-Kayles on Paths
Computation of the Ramsey Number $R(W_5,K_5)$
Computational Complexity of Avalanches in the Kadanoff two-dimensional Sandpile Model
Computing Cartograms with Optimal Complexity
Computing Fibonacci numbers on a Turing Machine
Computing Graph Roots Without Short Cycles
Computing Rooted and Unrooted Maximum Consistent Supertrees
Computing the average parallelism in trace monoids
Computing the distance distribution of systematic non-linear codes
Computing the Permanent with Belief Propagation
Computing the tree number of a cut-outerplanar graph
Conditional and Unique Coloring of Graphs
Conditional and Unique Coloring of Graphs (revised resubmission)
Conditional coloring of some parameterized graphs
Conditioned Poisson distributions and the concentration of chromatic numbers