Circumference, Chromatic Number and Online Coloring
Clandestine Simulations in Cellular Automata
Classification of Cellular Automata Rules Based on Their Properties
Clique Separator Decomposition of Hole- and Diamond-Free Graphs and Algorithmic Consequences
Closure Under Minors of Undirected Entanglement
Coarse and Sharp Thresholds of Boolean Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Coding cells of digital spaces: a framework to write generic digital topology algorithms
Coding objects related to Catalan numbers
Coin-Moving Puzzles
Coloring Artemis graphs
Coloring the square of the Cartesian product of two cycles
Coloring translates and homothets of a convex body
Coloring vertices of a graph or finding a Meyniel obstruction
Combinatorial and Arithmetical Properties of Infinite Words Associated with Non-simple Quadratic Parry Numbers
Combinatorial Batch Codes: A Lower Bound and Optimal Constructions
Combinatorial information distance
Combining geometry and combinatorics: A unified approach to sparse signal recovery
Communication Complexity and Intrinsic Universality in Cellular Automata
Compact DSOP and partial DSOP Forms
Complexity and Applications of Edge-Induced Vertex-Cuts