Minimum Weight Cycles and Triangles: Equivalences and Algorithms
Minimum-Cost Coverage of Point Sets by Disks
Minimum-energy broadcast in random-grid ad-hoc networks: approximation and distributed algorithms
Minimum-weight Cycle Covers and Their Approximability
Minimum-weight double-tree shortcutting for Metric TSP: Bounding the approximation ratio
Mining Biclusters of Similar Values with Triadic Concept Analysis
Mining Generalized Graph Patterns based on User Examples
Mining Patterns in Networks using Homomorphism
Mining Top-K Frequent Itemsets Through Progressive Sampling
Minkowski Sum Selection and Finding
Mod/Resc Parsimony Inference
Model for networks of spatial objects and simulation of geographical phenomena propagation
Modeling Relational Data via Latent Factor Blockmodel
Modelling dynamic programming problems by generalized d-graphs
Modelling the EAH Data Compression Algorithm using Graph Theory
Modelling the Eulerian Path Problem using a String Matching Framework
Modern Computer Arithmetic (version 0.5.1)
Modular exponentiation of matrices on FPGA-s
MOO: A Methodology for Online Optimization through Mining the Offline Optimum
More Compact Oracles for Approximate Distances in Planar Graphs