Dancing links
Data Reduction for Graph Coloring Problems
Data Structure for a Time-Based Bandwidth Reservations Problem
Data structure for representing a graph: combination of linked list and hash table
Data Structures for Approximate Range Counting
Data Structures for Mergeable Trees
Data-Collection for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: a Network-Flow Heuristic
Data-Oblivious External-Memory Algorithms for the Compaction, Selection, and Sorting of Outsourced Data
De Dictionariis Dynamicis Pauco Spatio Utentibus
De-amortized Cuckoo Hashing: Provable Worst-Case Performance and Experimental Results
De-amortizing Binary Search Trees
Deciding first order logic properties of matroids
Deciding first-order properties of locally tree-decomposable structures
Deciding k-colourability of $P_5$-free graphs in polynomial time
Deciding the finiteness of the number of simple permutations contained in a wreath-closed class is polynomial
Decision Sort and its Parallel Implementation
Declarative Combinatorics: Boolean Functions, Circuit Synthesis and BDDs in Haskell
Decomposing Finite Abelian Groups
Decomposition, Reformulation, and Diving in University Course Timetabling
Defining and Computing Alternative Routes in Road Networks