Improved Approximation Guarantees for Lower-Bounded Facility Location
Improved approximation guarantees for weighted matching in the semi-streaming model
Improved approximations for robust mincut and shortest path
Improved Balas and Mazzola Linearization for Quadratic 0-1 Programs with Application in a New Cutting Plane Algorithm
Improved Bicriteria Existence Theorems for Scheduling
Improved bounds for stochastic matching
Improved Combinatorial Group Testing Algorithms for Real-World Problem Sizes
Improved Compact Visibility Representation of Planar Graph via Schnyder's Realizer
Improved Complexity Bound of Vertex Cover for Low degree Graph
Improved Deterministic Length Reduction
Improved Distance Oracles and Spanners for Vertex-Labeled Graphs
Improved distance queries in planar graphs
Improved Fully Dynamic Reachability Algorithm for Directed Graph
Improved Grammar-Based Compressed Indexes
Improved Low-rank Matrix Decompositions via the Subsampled Randomized Hadamard Transform
Improved matrix algorithms via the Subsampled Randomized Hadamard Transform
Improved Minimum Cuts and Maximum Flows in Undirected Planar Graphs
Improved NSGA-II Based on a Novel Ranking Scheme
Improved online hypercube packing
Improved Parameterized Algorithms for Constraint Satisfaction