The Generalized Universal Law of Generalization
The IHS Transformations Based Image Fusion
The Influence of Intensity Standardization on Medical Image Registration
The Mysterious Optimality of Naive Bayes: Estimation of the Probability in the System of "Classifiers"
The Object Projection Feature Estimation Problem in Unsupervised Markerless 3D Motion Tracking
The Perceptron Algorithm: Image and Signal Decomposition, Compression, and Analysis by Iterative Gaussian Blurring
The Projected GSURE for Automatic Parameter Tuning in Iterative Shrinkage Methods
The proximal point method for a hybrid model in image restoration
The Statistical Inefficiency of Sparse Coding for Images (or, One Gabor to Rule them All)
The Statistical methods of Pixel-Based Image Fusion Techniques
The steepest watershed: from graphs to images
The Video Genome
The `Face on Mars': a photographic approach for the search of signs of past civilizations from a macroscopic point of view, factoring long-term erosion in image reconstruction
Three-Dimensional Face Orientation and Gaze Detection from a Single Image
Threshold Based Indexing of Commercial Shoe Print to Create Reference and Recovery Images
TILT: Transform Invariant Low-rank Textures
Topographic Feature Extraction for Bengali and Hindi Character Images
Total Variation Minimization and Graph Cuts for Moving Objects Segmentation
Total variation regularization for fMRI-based prediction of behaviour
Total Variation, Adaptive Total Variation and Nonconvex Smoothly Clipped Absolute Deviation Penalty for Denoising Blocky Images