Deblured Gaussian Blurred Images
Defining and Generating Axial Lines from Street Center Lines for better Understanding of Urban Morphologies
Deformable Model with a Complexity Independent from Image Resolution
Descriptor learning for omnidirectional image matching
Design of an Optical Character Recognition System for Camera-based Handheld Devices
Designing fuzzy rule based classifier using self-organizing feature map for analysis of multispectral satellite images
Detachable Object Detection: Segmentation and Depth Ordering From Short-Baseline Video
Detecting Image Forgeries using Geometric Cues
Detecting the Most Unusual Part of a Digital Image
Detection and Demarcation of Tumor using Vector Quantization in MRI images
Detection of Bleeding in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Using Range Ratio Color
Detection of Microcalcification in Mammograms Using Wavelet Transform and Fuzzy Shell Clustering
Development of a multi-user handwriting recognition system using Tesseract open source OCR engine
Development of a Multi-User Recognition Engine for Handwritten Bangla Basic Characters and Digits
Development of an automated Red Light Violation Detection System (RLVDS) for Indian vehicles
Devnagari document segmentation using histogram approach
Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping of High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging based on Riemannian Structure of Orientation Distribution Functions
Differential Invariants under Gamma Correction
Differential Methods in Catadioptric Sensor Design with Applications to Panoramic Imaging
Diffusion framework for geometric and photometric data fusion in non-rigid shape analysis