Randomized hybrid linear modeling by local best-fit flats
Rational Radial Distortion Models with Analytical Undistortion Formulae
Ray-Based and Graph-Based Methods for Fiber Bundle Boundary Estimation
Re-initialization Free Level Set Evolution via Reaction Diffusion
Real time face recognition using adaboost improved fast PCA algorithm
Real-time Image-based 6-DOF Localization in Large-Scale Environments
Real-Time Implementation of Order-Statistics Based Directional Filters
Real-time Robust Principal Components' Pursuit
Real-time Texture Error Detection
Real-time Visual Tracking Using Sparse Representation
Recognition of expression variant faces using masked log-Gabor features and Principal Component Analysis
Recognition of handwritten Roman Numerals using Tesseract open source OCR engine
Recognition of Handwritten Roman Script Using Tesseract Open source OCR Engine
Recognition of Handwritten Textual Annotations using Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine for information Just In Time (iJIT)
Recognition of Non-Compound Handwritten Devnagari Characters using a Combination of MLP and Minimum Edit Distance
Recognizing Combinations of Facial Action Units with Different Intensity Using a Mixture of Hidden Markov Models and Neural Network
Reconstruction error in a motion capture system
Recovering Epipolar Geometry from Images of Smooth Surfaces
Reduction of Feature Vectors Using Rough Set Theory for Human Face Recognition
Redundant Wavelets on Graphs and High Dimensional Data Clouds