Compacting the Penn Treebank Grammar
Comparative Discourse Analysis of Parallel Texts
Comparative Ellipsis and Variable Binding
Comparative Experiments on Disambiguating Word Senses: An Illustration of the Role of Bias in Machine Learning
Comparing a Linguistic and a Stochastic Tagger
Comparing a statistical and a rule-based tagger for German
Comparing two trainable grammatical relations finders
Compilation of HPSG to TAG
Compilation of Weighted Finite-State Transducers from Decision Trees
Compiling a Partition-Based Two-Level Formalism
Compiling HPSG type constraints into definite clause programs
Compiling Language Models from a Linguistically Motivated Unification Grammar
Complete Complimentary Results Report of the MARF's NLP Approach to the DEFT 2010 Competition
Completeness of Compositional Translation for Context-Free Grammars
Complex networks and human language
Complexity of Scrambling: A New Twist to the Competence - Performance Distinction
Compositional Semantics in Verbmobil
Compositionality for Presuppositions over Tableaux
Compositionality, Synonymy, and the Systematic Representation of Meaning
Computational Approach to Anaphora Resolution in Spanish Dialogues