Cognitive Architecture for Direction of Attention Founded on Subliminal Memory Searches, Pseudorandom and Nonstop
Cognitive Memory Network
Cognitive Principles in Robust Multimodal Interpretation
Coherence, Belief Expansion and Bayesian Networks
Coherent Integration of Databases by Abductive Logic Programming
Coincidences and the encounter problem: A formal account
Collaborative model of interaction and Unmanned Vehicle Systems' interface
Collective Argumentation
Collective Intelligence, Data Routing and Braess' Paradox
Combination Strategies for Semantic Role Labeling
Combinatorial Explorations in Su-Doku
Combining a Probabilistic Sampling Technique and Simple Heuristics to solve the Dynamic Path Planning Problem
Combining Naive Bayes and Decision Tree for Adaptive Intrusion Detection
Combining Ontology Development Methodologies and Semantic Web Platforms for E-government Domain Ontology Development
Combining Relational Algebra, SQL, Constraint Modelling, and Local Search
Combining Spatial and Temporal Logics: Expressiveness vs. Complexity
Combining Symmetry Breaking and Global Constraints
Combining Voting Rules Together
Comment on "Language Trees and Zipping" arXiv:cond-mat/0108530
Common knowledge logic in a higher order proof assistant?