Using atmospheric composition as a metric for detecting life on habitable planets
Using Biogenic Sulfur Gases as Remotely Detectable Biosignatures on Anoxic Planets
Using Case Studies in Calculus-based Physics
Using causal models to distinguish between neurogenesis-dependent and -independent effects on behaviour
Using Differential Ion Mobility as a Conformational Filter to Simplify Spectra of Biomolecular Ions
Using Edible Models to Communicate Principles of Comet Science: Assembling Amino Acids from Simpler Molecules
Using Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy to Detect Water in Planetary Regoliths
Using FISH-SIMS to Study Marine Methane Oxidation Coupled to the Reduction of Metal Oxides, a Plausible Microbial Metabolism for Subsurface Mars
Using graph concepts to understand the organization of complex systems
Using invariants for phylogenetic tree construction
Using profiles based on hydropathy properties to define essential regions for splicing
Using the Abitibi Greenstone Belt to understand Martian hydrothermal systems and the potential for biosignature preservation in high temperature aqueous environments
Using the tangle: a consistent construction of phylogenetic distance matrices for quartets
Utilization of inorganic substrata and production of organic substances by non-differentiated plant tissue cultures cultivated in low magnetic field
Utilizing active mid-infrared microspectrometry for in situ analysis of cryptoendolithic microbial communities of Battleship Promontory, Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Utilizing of protein splicing phenomenon for optimization of obtaining and purification of the recombinant human growth hormone
Utilizing the information content in two-state trajectories
UV habitability and dM stars: an approach for evaluation of biological survival
UV Photochemistry of DNA In Vitro and in Bacillus subtilis Spores at Earth-Ambient and Low Atmospheric Pressure: Implications for Spore Survival on Other Planets or Moons in the Solar System
UV photolysis of polyynes at λ=254 nm and at λ>222 nm