A Case for Ancient Springs in Arabia Terra, Mars
A case for immunological approaches in detection and investigation of alien life
A case for landing on the moon's farside to test nitrogen abundances
A Case Study of the Opportunities and Challenges Presented by Integrating Authentic Data into Diverse High School Classrooms
A cell-type based model explaining co-expression patterns of genes in the brain
A cellular automata model for avascular solid tumor growth under the effect of therapy
A Chemical Kinetic Model of Transcriptional Elongation
A circadian biosignature in the labeled release data from Mars?
A Coarse-Grained Biophysical Model of E. coli and Its Application to Perturbation of the rRNA Operon Copy Number
A coarse-grained Langevin molecular dynamics approach to de novo protein structure prediction
A Cognitive Model of an Epistemic Community: Mapping the Dynamics of Shallow Lake Ecosystems
A colorful origin for the genetic code: Information theory, statistical mechanics and the emergence of molecular codes
A Combinatorial Approach to Biochemical Space: Description and Application to the Redox Distribution of Metabolism
A Combinatorial Framework for Designing (Pseudoknotted) RNA Algorithms
A Combined Experimental and Computational Investigation on the Synthesis of Acetaldehyde [CH3CHO(X 1A')] in Interstellar Ices
A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Formation of the Amino Acid Glycine (NH2CH2COOH) and Its Isomer (CH3NHCOOH) in Extraterrestrial Ices
A comment on "A fast L_p spike alignment metric" by A. J. Dubbs, B. A. Seiler and M. O. Magnasco [arXiv:0907.3137]
A Common Origin for Organics in Meteorites and Comets: Was It Interstellar?
A compact statistical model of the song syntax in Bengalese finch
A Comparative Analysis of Influenza Vaccination Programs