Robotic Sample Acquisition and Caching Testing for Potential Astrobiology Mars Sample Return Missions
Robust and accurate data enrichment statistics via distribution function of sum of weights
Robust and flexible response of Ostreococcus tauri circadian clock to light/dark cycles of varying photoperiod
Robust circadian clocks from coupled protein modification and transcription-translation cycles
Robust Detection of Hierarchical Communities from Escherichia coli Gene Expression Data
Robust ecological pattern formation induced by demographic noise
Robust entrainment of circadian oscillators requires specific phase response curves
Robust formation of morphogen gradients
Robust gene regulation: Deterministic dynamics from asynchronous networks with delay
Robust molecular imprinted polymet thin-films for an astrobiology biomimetic sensor array
Robust monomer-distribution biosignatures in evolving digital biota
Robust permanence for interacting structured populations
Robust protein-protein interactions in crowded cellular environments
Robust Regulatory Networks
Robustness Against Extinction by Stochastic Sex Determination in Small Populations
Robustness and Accuracies of Relaxed Clock Methods in Estimating Divergence Times and their Credibility Intervals
Robustness and epistasis in mutation-selection models
Robustness and Evolvability of the B Cell Mutator Mechanism
Robustness and fragility of Boolean models for genetic regulatory networks
Robustness and modular design of the Drosophila segment polarity network