Principal component analysis and neural networks for detection of amino acid biosignatures
Principles in the Evolution of Metabolic Networks
Principles of microRNA regulation of a human cellular signaling network
Prion: Catalyst for Biological Evolution
Probabilistic annotation of protein sequences based on functional classifications
Probabilistic approach to a proliferation and migration dichotomy in the tumor cell invasion
Probabilistic estimation of microarray data reliability and underlying gene expression
Probabilistic geobiological classification using elemental abundance distributions and lossless image compression in fossils, meteorites, and microorganisms
Probabilistic methods for predicting protein functions in protein-protein interaction networks
Probabilistic pairwise sequence alignment
Probabilistic pathway representation of cognitive information
Probabilistic Regulatory Networks: Modeling Genetic Networks
Probabilistic sequence alignments: realistic models with efficient algorithms
Probabilities of spurious connections in gene networks: Application to expression time series
Probability distribution of bubble lengths in DNA
Probability distributions for measures of placental shape and morphology
Probability Models for Degree Distributions of Protein Interaction Networks
Probability that a chromosome is lost without trace under the neutral Wright-Fisher model with recombination
Probable role of comets in the formation of prebiotic conditions on Earth in connection with the position of Earth in the solar system
ProbCD: enrichment analysis accounting for categorization uncertainty