Planetary protection issues and human exploration of Mars
Planetary Protection Policy and Ethical Considerations in Scientific Exploration
Planetary protection protocol using multi-jet cold plasma decontamination
Planetary protection technological needs for future Mars exobiological investigation
Planetary protection: forward contamination of Mars revisited
Planetary Resources and Astroecology. Planetary Microcosm Models of Asteroid and Meteorite Interiors: Electrolyte Solutions and Microbial Growth- Implications for Space Populations and Panspermia
Planetary Science as Presented in Astrobiology Textbooks
Planetary science experiments flying as hosted payloads on commercial satellites
Planetary Significance of Formed and Broken Limestones by Impact Cycles
Planetary underground tool (PLUTO) for future astrobiological missions to Mars
Planets, life and the production of entropy
Planning Considerations for a Mars Sample Receiving Facility: Summary and Interpretation of Three Design Studies
Planning for Mars Returned Sample Science: Final Report of the MSR End-to-End International Science Analysis Group (E2E-iSAG)
Planning for Mars Sample Return: Results from the MEPAG Mars Sample Return End-to-End International Science Analysis Group (E2E-iSAG)
Plant defense multigene families: I. Divergence of Fusarium solani-induced expression in Pisum and Lathyrus
Plant defense multigene families: II Evolution of coding sequence and differential expression of PR10 genes in Pisum
Plant-Mycorrhiza Percent Infection as Evidence of Coupled Metabolism
Plasma and collision processes of hypervelocity meteorite impact in the prehistory of life
Plasmodium knowlesi H strain pregnancy malaria immune responses in olive baboons (Papio anubis)
Plate tectonics and the detection of land-based biosignatures on Mars and extrasolar planets