Occurrences of bacteria-like microfossils in the Neoproterozoic Miroedikha and Neruensk formations of Siberia
Oceanic Chemical Evolution on Icy Moons
Oceanic hypervelocity impact events: a viable mechanism for successful panspermia?
Oceans on Early Mars Revealed by the Paucity of Phyllosilicates in the Basement of the Northern Lowlands
Ocular dominance patterns and the wire length minimization: a numerical study
Odin observations of H2O and O2 in comets and interstellar clouds
Odyssey gives evidence for liquid water on Mars
Of lice and math: using models to understand and control populations of head lice
Of Martian atmospheres, oceans, and fossils
Of sequence and structure: Strategies of protein thermostability in evolutionary perspective
Off-lattice simulation of the solid phase DNA amplification
Offdiagonal Complexity: A computationally quick complexity measure for graphs and networks
Offdiagonal complexity: A computationally quick network complexity measure. Application to protein networks and cell division
Oil and natural gas on Mars
Old equations for a new system: A possible use of Navier-Stokes equations to model the circulation of spikes in the nervous system
Olivine-Respiring Bacteria Isolated from the Rock-Ice Interface in a Lava-Tube Cave, a Mars Analog Environment
Olympus Mons: A Primary Target for Martian Biology
Omnivory can both enhance and dampen perturbations in food webs
On "Strong control, conservative point estimation and simultaneous conservative consistency of false discovery rates": Does a large number of tests obviate confidence intervals of the FDR?
On (Schröedinger's) quest for new physics for life