New structural variation in evolutionary searches of RNA neutral networks
New symmetry in nucleotide sequences
New Universal Theory of Injury Prediction and Prevention
New uses of position-sensitive photomultiplier tubes
Newton-type Methods for REML Estimation in Genetic Analysis of Quantitative Traits
Next-Generation Tools for Extracting Function from Genomic Sequence Data. A Working Synthetic Biology
NF-kappa B oscillations and cell-to-cell variability
Niche Habitats for Extra-Terrestrial Life: The Potential for Astrobiology on the Moons of Saturn and Jupiter
Nicotinic α7 acetylcholine receptor-mediated currents are not modulated by the tryptophan metabolite kynurenic acid in adult hippocampal interneurons
Nimesulide limits kainate-induced oxidative damage in the rat hippocampus
Ninety days on Mars
Nitrogen Fixation on Early Mars and Other Terrestrial Planets. Experimental Demonstration of Abiotic Fixation Reactions to Nitrite and Nitrate.
Nitrogen Fixation on Early Mars and Other Terrestrial Planets: Experimental Demonstration of Abiotic Fixation Reactions to Nitrite and Nitrate
Nitrogen fixation on early Mars by volcanic lightning and other sources
Nitrogen Reduction on Meal Sulfide Surfaces Under Hydrothermal Conditions
No entailing laws, but enablement in the evolution of the biosphere
No evidence for interstellar proteins
No genome barriers to promiscuous DNA
Noachian Martian highlands; the habitat of ancient life?
Nodal distances for rooted phylogenetic trees