Impact Rates on Extrasolar Earths
Impact Seeding and Reseeding in the Inner Solar System
Impact-generated hydrothermal regimes within the Manicouagan crater: Terrestrial analog studies relevant to Mars
Impact-generated hydrothermal systems on Noachian Mars: Clays, carbonates and more (Invited)
Impact-induced hydrothermal activity on early Mars
Impact-shocked rocks - insights into archean and extraterrestrial microbial habitats (and sites for prebiotic chemistry?)
Impacts and Evolution: Future Prospects
Imperfect Asymmetry of Life: Earth Microbial Communities Prefer D-Lactate but Can Use L-Lactate Also
Imperfect DNA Repair and the Error Catastrophe
Imperfect Imitation Can Enhance Cooperation
Implications of 3-step swimming patterns in bacterial chemotaxis
Implications of abundant hygroscopic minerals in the Martian regolith
Implications of Aging in Bacteria
Implications of an Anthropic Model of Evolution for Emergence of Complex Life and Intelligence
Implications of dielectric properties of the Martian surface soil on the search for subsurface liquid water or ice reservoirs
Implications of Dispersal and Life History Strategies for the Persistence of Linyphiid Spider Populations
Implications of stellar activity for exoplanetary atmospheres
Implications of Subzero Metabolic Activity on Long-Term Microbial Survival in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Permafrost
Implications of the hypohydrous history of Mars
Importance for the life of the population III stars