Edge-Based Compartmental Modeling for Infectious Disease Spread Part I: An Overview
Educating the Next Generation of SETI Scientists: Voyages Through Time
Education and Public Outreach
Education and Public Outreach
Educational games: a funny way to teach astrobiology
Effect of adhesion geometry and rigidity on cellular force distributions
Effect of Bending Anisotropy on the 3D Conformation of Short DNA Loops
Effect of beta-Dystroglycan Processing on Utrophin / DP116 Anchorage in Normal and MDX Mouse Schwann Cell Membrane
Effect of channel block on the spiking activity of excitable membranes in a stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley model
Effect of DNA looping on the induction kinetics of the lac operon
Effect of finite size on cooperativity and rates of protein folding
Effect of Heterogeneous Mixing and Vaccination on the Dynamics of Anthelmintic Resistance: A Nested Model
Effect of Impact Angle on the Off-Set of Outer vs. Nested Crater for Concentric Impact Structures in Layered Targets: A Tool to Determine Direction of Impact
Effect of land fraction on weathering and tenure in the habitable zone of terrestrial planets around main-sequence stars
Effect of metal ions on the efficiency of DNA amplification. Implications for nucleic acid replication during early stages of life
Effect of metallic cations on the efficiency of DNA amplification. Implications for nucleic acid replication during early stages of life
Effect of Nonstationarity on Models Inferred from Neural Data
Effect of physical inactivity on the oxidation of saturated and monounsaturated dietary Fatty acids: results of a randomized trial
Effect of pooling samples on the efficiency of comparative studies using microarrays