Deuterium fractionation in the reactions of D + H2CO and H + D2CO at 15 K
Deuterium in astrophysical ice analogues: Isotope exchange and IR detection sensitivity for HDO
Developing a Theoretical Framework for Optofluidic Device Designing for System Identification in Systems Biology: the EGFR Study Case
Developing and applying heterogeneous phylogenetic models with XRate
Developing optimal nonlinear scoring function for protein design
Development and Application of a Classification Scheme for Microbialite Morphology in Modern Environments: Mapping Pavilion Lake with DeepWorker Submersibles
Development of a Hollow-Fiber Gas Correlation Radiometer for Column Measurements of Formaldehyde, Methane, and Water Vapor on Mars
Development of a Multiphoton Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) system using a Streak Camera
Development of a silicon drift detector array: an x-ray fluorescence spectrometer for remote surface mapping
Development of a Three-Dimensional Multiscale Agent-Based Tumor Model: Simulating Gene-Protein Interaction Profiles, Cell Phenotypes & Multicellular Patterns in Brain Cancer
Development of Advanced Radioisotope Power Systems for NASA's Future Science Missions
Development of biological and nonbiological explanations for the Viking label release data
Development of In Situ Microchip-based Liquid Chromatography for Titan Lake Samples
Development of living organisms on the lava-water interface of Palaeoproterozoic Ongeluk lavas of South Africa
Development of Lower Triassic Wrinkle Structures: Implications for the Search for Life on Other Planets
Developmental constraints on vertebrate genome evolution
Di-nucleotide Entropy as a Measure of Genomic Sequence Functionality
Diagenetic analogs to hematite regions on Mars: examples from Jurassic sandstones of southern Utah, USA
Diagenetic effects on the distribution of uranium in live and Holocene corals from the Gulf of Aqaba1
Diagnosis of rotator cuff lesions by FT-Raman spectroscopy: a biochemical study