Diffuse X-ray Emission from the Eastern Tip of the Carina Nebula
Diffusion and Home Range Parameters for Rodents: Peromyscus maniculatus in New Mexico
Diffusion and Home Range Parameters from Rodent Population Measurements in Panama
Diffusion and interfaces in pattern formation
Diffusion Entropy Approach to Dynamical Characteristics of a Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron
Diffusion of transcription factors can drastically enhance the noise in gene expression
Diffusion of two particles with a finite interaction potential in one dimension
Diffusion, dimensionality and noise in transcriptional regulation
Diffusion-based DNA target colocalization by thermodynamic mechanisms
Diffusive hidden Markov model characterization of DNA looping dynamics in tethered particle experiments
Digital PCR provides sensitive and absolute calibration for high throughput sequencing
Digital reconstruction of point sources imaged by a zone plate camera
Dimensionality and dynamics in the behavior of C. elegans
Dinamics of HPV Infection among Women with Cervical Lesions
Diploidy and the selective advantage for sexual reproduction in unicellular organisms
Direct Analysis of Organic Molecules in Carbonaceous Chondrite Through X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy Using Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscope
Direct Evidence for Ammonium Ion Formation in Ice through Ultraviolet-induced Acid-Base Reaction of NH3 with H3O+
Direct measurements of impact devolatilization of calcite using a laser gun
Direct-coupling analysis of residue co-evolution captures native contacts across many protein families
Directed Evolution of Bacillus Subtilis Towards Hypobaric Growth