Diagnostics of the physiological state of bacteria in terrestrial permafrost as analogue of Martian environment
Dichotomous conception of planets origin: common past of Mars and Earth
Dickkopf1 - a new player in modelling the Wnt pathway
Did Earthquakes Keep the Early Crust Habitable?
Did Evolution Select a Nonrandom "Alphabet" of Amino Acids?
Did Life Begin on the Beach?
Did life exist on Mars? Search for organic and inorganic signatures, one of the goals for ``SAM'' (sample analysis at Mars)
Did nature also choose arsenic?
Did silicon aid in the establishment of the first bacterium?
Did the Ancient Crenarchaeal Viruses from the Dawn of Life Survive Exceptionally Well the Eons of Meteorite Bombardment?
Differences in interaction of comets with Earth and Mars and consequences of these differences for formation of pre-biotic conditions on these planets
Different Initial Conditions for Planet Formation Around Cool and Sun-like Stars: Disk Mass, Disk Structure, Dust Composition, and Organics Inventory
Different ocular dominance map formation by influence of orientation columns in visual cortices
Different Strategies for Cancer Treatment: Mathematical Modeling
Differential and graphical approaches to multistability theory for chemical reaction networks
Differential Bacterial Colonization of Volcanic Minerals in Deep Thermal Basalts
Differential Dynamic Microscopy of Bacterial Motility
Differential gene expression in Bacillus subtilis
Differential hydrophobicity drives self-assembly in Huntington's disease
Differential postural effects of plantar-flexor muscles fatigue under normal, altered and improved vestibular and neck somatosensory conditions