Universally Sloppy Parameter Sensitivities in Systems Biology
Using profiles based on hydropathy properties to define essential regions for splicing
Utilizing the information content in two-state trajectories
Validating module network learning algorithms using simulated data
Variability in OB Star X-ray Emission Lines: Analysis Techniques
Variable selection from random forests: application to gene expression data
Variable-free exploration of stochastic models: a gene regulatory network example
Virtual screening of GPCRs: an in silico chemogenomics approach
Virus Structure: From Crick and Watson to a New Conjecture
Visual Data Mining of Genomic Databases by Immersive Graph-Based Exploration
Voltage sensing in ion channels: Mesoscale simulations of biological devices
When the optimal is not the best: parameter estimation in complex biological models
Why high-error-rate random mutagenesis libraries are enriched in functional and improved proteins
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic studies of dolomite surfaces exposed to undersaturated and supersaturated aqueous solutions