Identification in models of biochemical reactions
Identification of specificity determining residues in enzymes using environment specific substitution tables
Identifying Hosts of Families of Viruses: A Machine Learning Approach
Idl Signal Processing Library 1.0
Immortality as a physical problem
Improved Volterra Kernel Methods with Applications to the Visual System
Improving ecological niche models by data mining large environmental datasets for surrogate models
In Silico Synchronization of Cellular Populations Through Expression Data Deconvolution
Incubation periods under various anti-retroviral therapies in homogeneous mixing and age-structured dynamical models: A theoretical approach
Inference algorithms for gene networks: a statistical mechanics analysis
Inference of genetic networks from time course expression data using functional regression with lasso penalty
Inference of higher order substitution dynamics by Markov chain lumping
Inferring genotyping error rates from genotyped trios
Inferring hidden Markov models from noisy time sequences: a method to alleviate degeneracy in molecular dynamics
Inferring Network Mechanisms: The Drosophila melanogaster Protein Interaction Network
Information and (co-)variances in discrete evolutionary genetics involving solely selection
Information based clustering
Information based clustering: Supplementary material
Information content of colored motifs in complex networks
Information retrieval from a phoneme time series database