Nemo: a computational tool for analyzing nematode locomotion
New method for the study of psychotropic drug effects under simulated clinical conditions
New Osmosis Law and Theory: the New Formula that Replaces van't Hoff Osmotic Pressure Equation
Newton-type Methods for REML Estimation in Genetic Analysis of Quantitative Traits
No entailing laws, but enablement in the evolution of the biosphere
Noise Correlation Induced Synchronization in a Mutualism Ecosystem
Nonlinear brain dynamics as macroscopic manifestation of underlying many-body field dynamics
Nucleosome shape dictates chromatin-fiber structure
Nucleotide Frequencies in Human Genome and Fibonacci Numbers
On (Schröedinger's) quest for new physics for life
On Programs and Genomes
On the Classification Scheme for Phenomenological Universalities in Growth Problems in Physics and Other Sciences
On the discrete Peyrard-Bishop model of DNA: stationary solutions and stability
On the Gompertzian dynamics of growth and self-organization
Optimal strategies for fighting persistent bugs
Optimality Properties of a Proposed Precursor to the Genetic Code
Optimization of brain and life performance: Striving for playing at the top for the long run
Optimization of Production Protocol of Alkaline Protease by Streptomyces pulvereceus
p-Adic Modelling of the Genome and the Genetic Code
p-Adic Structure of the Genetic Code