Wave Propagation and Jet Formation in the Chromosphere
Wave turbulence in magnetohydrodynamics
Wave-Driven Mass Loss in the Last Year of Stellar Evolution: Setting the Stage for the Most Luminous Core-Collapse Supernovae
Wave-particle interactions in non-uniform plasma and the interpretation of Hard X-ray spectra in solar flares
Wavelengths and oscillator strengths of Xe II from the UVES spectra of four HgMn stars
Wavelet analysis of stellar rotation and other periodicities
Wavelet and R/S analysis of the X-ray flickering of cataclysmic variables
Wavelets with Ridges: A High-Resolution Representation of Cataclysmic Variable Time-Series
Waves as the source of apparent twisting motions in sunspot penumbrae
Waves in the chromosphere: observations
WBVR Observations of the Variable Star V1341 Cyg in 1986-1992
WD + He star systems as the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae and their surviving companion stars
WD + MS systems as the progenitor of SNe Ia
WD+MS Systems as the Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae with Different Metallicities
WD+RG systems as the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae
Weak and Strong Field Dynamos: from the Earth to the stars
Weak G-band stars on the H-R Diagram: Clues to the origin of Li anomaly
Weak magnetic fields in early-type stars: failed fossils
Weak magnetic fields of intermediate-mass stars
Weak Microlensing