S-bearing molecules in Massive Dense Cores
s-Process in Low Metallicity Stars. I. Theoretical Predictions
s-Process in Low Metallicity Stars. III. Individual analysis of CEMP-s and CEMP-s/r with AGB models
s-Processing in the Galactic Disk. I. Super-Solar Abundances of Y, Zr, La, Ce in Young Open Clusters
S2DFS: Analysis of temporal changes of drifting subpulses
Sagittarius B2 Main: A Cluster of Ultra-Compact HII Regions and Massive Protostellar Cores
Sc III Spectral Properties of Astrophysical Interest
Scalar-Isovector Delta-Meson in the Relativistic Mean-Field Theory and the Structure of Neutron Stars with a Quark Core
Scale dependent alignment between velocity and magnetic field fluctuations in the solar wind and comparisons to Boldyrev's phenomenological theory
Scale-dependence of magnetic helicity in the solar wind
Scale-Locality of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Scaled oscillation frequencies and echelle diagrams as a tool for comparative asteroseismology
Scaled solar tracks and isochrones in a large region of the Z-Y plane. II. From 2.5 to 20 solar masses
Scales of the magnetic fields in the quiet Sun
Scaling and intermittency in incoherent α-shear dynamo
Scaling laws for magnetic fields on the quiet Sun
Scaling stellar jets to the laboratory: the power of simulations
Scaling the energy conversion rate from magnetic field reconnection to different bodies
Scatter-free pickup ions beyond the heliopause as a model for the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) ribbon
Scattering Polarization and Hanle Effect in Stellar Atmospheres with Horizontal Inhomogeneities