Nearby Supernova Rates from the Lick Observatory Supernova Search. I. The Methods and Database
Nearby Supernova Rates from the Lick Observatory Supernova Search. II. The Observed Luminosity Functions and Fractions of Supernovae in a Complete Sample
Nearby Supernova Rates from the Lick Observatory Supernova Search. III. The Rate-Size Relation, and the Rates as a Function of Galaxy Hubble Type and Colour
Nebula around R Corona Borealis
Nebular Spectra and Explosion Asymmetry of Type Ia Supernovae
Negative effective magnetic pressure in turbulent convection
Nemesis Reconsidered
Neon and CNO Abundances for Extreme Helium Stars -- A Non-LTE Analysis
Neon Insights from Old Solar X-rays: a Plasma Temperature Dependence of the Coronal Neon Content
Network Loop Oscillations with EIS/Hinode
Network oscillations at the boundary of an equatorial coronal hole
Neural Network Prediction of solar cycle 24
Neutral material around the B[e] supergiant star LHA 115-S 65: An outflowing disk or a detached Keplerian rotating disk?
Neutral oxygen spectral line formation revisited with new collisional data: large departures from LTE at low metallicity
Neutrino Emission from Cooper Pairs and Minimal Cooling of Neutron Stars
Neutrino emission from spin waves in neutron spin-triplet superfluid
Neutrino emission from triplet pairing of neutrons in neutron stars
Neutrino fluxes from CNO cycle in the Sun in the non stationary case with mixing
Neutrino Signal of Electron-Capture Supernovae from Core Collapse to Cooling
Neutrino Solar Flare detection for a saving alert system of satellites and astronauts