Flocculent flows in the chromospheric canopy of a sunspot
Flow instabilities of magnetic flux tubes IV. Flux storage in the solar overshoot region
Flow-turbulence interaction in magnetic reconnection
Flows and Motions in Moss in the Core of a Flaring Active Region: Evidence for Steady Heating
Flows at the Edge of an Active Region: Observation and Interpretation
Fluctuation dynamo based on magnetic reconnections
Fluid Dynamics of Stellar Jets in Real Time: Third Epoch HST Images of HH 1, HH 34, and HH 47
Fluorine Abundances in Galactic AGB Stars
Fluorine and Sodium in C-rich low-metallicity stars
Flux emergence and coronal eruption
Flux Rope Formation Preceding Coronal Mass Ejection Onset
Follow-up Observations of the Second and Third Known Pulsating Hot DQ White Dwarfs
Follow-up Studies of the Pulsating Magnetic White Dwarf SDSS J142625.71+575218.3
Forbidden and intercombination lines of RR Telescopii: wavelength measurements and energy levels
Formation and dissolution of leaky clusters
Formation and evolution of a multi-threaded prominence
Formation and Evolution of Dust in Type IIb Supernova with Application to the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant
Formation and survivability of giant planets on wide orbits
Formation Heights of Extreme Ultraviolet Lines in an Active Region Derived by Correlation of Doppler Velocity and Magnetic Field
Formation of a disk structure in the symbiotic binary AX Per during its 2007-10 precursor-type activity