EIT waves and coronal magnetic field diagnostics
Ejection of cool plasma into the hot corona
Ejection velocities of high Galactic latitude runaway stars
Ejections of magnetic structures above a spherical wedge driven by a convective dynamo with differential rotation
Electric fields in solar magnetic structures due to gradient driven instabilities: heating and acceleration of particles
Electric vector rotations of π/2 in polarized circumstellar SiO maser emission
Electrically Charged Strange Quark Stars
Electromagnetic Fields of Slowly Rotating Compact Magnetized Stars in Braneworld
Electron Acceleration by Multi-Island Coalescence
Electron and Positron solar modulation and prediction for AMS-02
Electron and proton heating by solar wind turbulence
Electron beam induced radio emission from ultracool dwarfs
Electron capture rates in a plasma
Electron density in the quiet solar coronal transition region from SoHO/SUMER measurements of S VI line radiance and opacity
Electron fraction constraints based on Nuclear Statistical Equilibrium with beta equilibrium
Electron Temperatures of Planetary Nebulae Determined from the He I Discontinuities
Electron-acoustic solitary waves in the presence of a suprathermal electron component
Electron-capture supernovae as the origin of elements beyond iron
Electronic absorption spectra of hydrogenated protonated naphthalene and proflavine
Electronic screening and damping in magnetars