A Per-Baseline, Delay-Spectrum Technique for Accessing the 21cm Cosmic Reionization Signature
A phenomenological model of the muon density profile on the ground of very inclined air showers
A pilgrimage to gravity on GPUs
A Pipeline for the ROTSE-IIId Archival Data
A prototype of a directional detector for non-baryonic dark matter search: MIMAC (Micro-TPC Matrix of Chambers)
A prototype station for ARIANNA: a detector for cosmic neutrinos
A publication database for optical long baseline interferometry
A quick guide to FXCOR
A Radiation Transfer Solver for Athena using Short Characteristics
A Radio System for Avoiding Illuminating Aircraft with a Laser Beam
A readout for large arrays of Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors
A real-time software backend for the GMRT
A reconstruction method for neutrino induced muon tracks taking into account the apriori knowledge of the neutrino source
A Renaissance study of Am stars. I. The mass ratio distribution
A Revised Characterization of the WFPC2 CTE Loss
A robust numerical scheme for highly compressible magnetohydrodynamics: Nonlinear stability, implementation and tests
A Second-Order Unsplit Godunov Scheme for Cell-Centered MHD: the CTU-GLM scheme
A Sensitivity and Array-Configuration Study for Measuring the Power Spectrum of 21cm Emission from Reionization
A SiC TMA GLAO design for PLT?
A simple algorithm for optimization and model fitting: AGA (asexual genetic algorithm)