A Flexible High Demand Storage System for MAGIC-I and MAGIC-II using GFS
A Flexible Quasioptical Input System for a Submillimeter Muliobject Spectrometer
A Four-Stokes-Parameter Spectral Line Polarimeter at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
A fully automated data reduction pipeline for the FRODOSpec integral field spectrograph
A fundamental figure of merit for radio polarimeters
A generalized lens equation for light deflection in weak gravitational fields
A generalized likelihood ratio test statistic for Cherenkov telescope data
A Geostationary Gravitational Wave Interferometer (GEOGRAWI)
A GPU based real-time software correlation system for the Murchison Widefield Array prototype
A GPU-based survey for millisecond radio transients using ARTEMIS
A high dynamic-range instrument for SPICA for coronagraphic observation of exoplanets and monitoring of transiting exoplanets
A high performance likelihood reconstruction of gamma-rays for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes
A High-Resolution Atlas of Uranium-Neon in the H Band
A Hybrid Scheme for Gas-Dust Systems Stiffly Coupled via Viscous Drag
A Journal for the Astronomical Computing Community?
A k-NN Method to Classify Rare Astronomical Sources: Photometric Search of Brown Dwarfs with Spitzer/IRAC
A Laboratory Study of Absorbing Capacity of Water Vapor at the Wavelengths from 6500 TO 10500 Å
A Large Area LaBr3/NaI Phoswich for Hard X-ray Astronomy
A Laser Frequency Comb System for Absolute Calibration of the VTT Echelle Spectrograph
A List of Bright Interferometric Calibrators measured at the ESO VLTI