AZEuS: An Adaptive Zone Eulerian Scheme for Computational MHD
Azimuthal modulation of cosmic ray flux as an effect of geomagnetic field in the ARGO-YBJ experiment
Background Measurements in the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory
Background Rejection in the DMTPC Dark Matter Search Using Charge Signals
Background Simulations of the Wide Field Imager of the ATHENA X-Ray Observatory
Background studies for acoustic neutrino detection at the South Pole
Background-Source Separation in astronomical images with Bayesian probability theory (I): the method
Balloon-borne gamma-ray polarimetry
Balloon-borne gamma-ray telescope with nuclear emulsion
Balloon-borne gamma-ray telescope with nuclear emulsion : overview and status
BAMBI: blind accelerated multimodal Bayesian inference
Band-Limited Coronagraphs using a Halftone-dot process: design guidelines, manufacturing, and laboratory results
Band-Limited Coronagraphs using a halftone-dot process: II. Advances and laboratory results for arbitrary telescope apertures
Band-Pass and OH-Suppression Filters for the E-ELT - Design and Prototyping
Bandwidth in bolometric interferometry
BAORadio : Cartographie 3D de la distribution de gaz H$_I$ dans l'Univers
Basic Testing of the Duchamp Source Finder
BATATA: A device to characterize the punch-through observed in underground muon detectors and to operate as a prototype for AMIGA
BayesCLUMPY: Bayesian Inference with Clumpy Dusty Torus Models
Bayesian analysis of polarization measurements