Application of a damped Locally Optimized Combination of Images method to the spectral characterization of faint companions using an Integral Field Spectrograph
Application of the Trend Filtering Algorithm on the MACHO Database
Applications of DMDs for astrophysical research
Applying the Background-Source separation algorithm to Chandra Deep Field South data
Approximate Bayesian Computation for Astronomical Model Analysis: A Case Study in Galaxy Demographics and Morphological Transformation at High Redshift
Archiving multi-epoch data and the discovery of variables in the near infrared
ARCONS: A highly multiplexed superconducting optical to near-IR camera
ARCONS: a highly multiplexed superconducting UV to near-IR camera
ARKCoS: Artifact-Suppressed Accelerated Radial Kernel Convolution on the Sphere
Array configuration studies for the Square Kilometre Array - Implementation of figures of merit based on spatial dynamic range
Assessing The Accuracy Of Radio Astronomy Source Finding Algorithms
ASTEP South: An Antarctic Search for Transiting ExoPlanets around the celestial South pole
Asteroid Confusions with Extremely Large Telescopes
Astro-WISE for KiDS survey production and quality control
Astro-WISE Information System
Astro-WISE processing of wide-field images and other data
Astrochemistry and Astrophotonics for an Antarctic Observatory
Astrocladistics: Multivariate Evolutionary Analysis in Astrophysics
Astroclimate on Mt. Maidanak Observatory by AZT--22 1.5m telescope observations
AstroDAbis: Annotations and Cross-Matches for Remote Catalogues