An integrated optics beam combiner for the second generation VLTI instruments
An introduction to compact source detection in cosmic microwave background images
An investigation into the Multiple Optimised Parameter Estimation and Data compression algorithm
An investigation of alternative configurations of the read controllers of the Fermi LAT tracker
An investigation of lucky imaging techniques
An iterative filter to reconstruct planetary transit signals in the presence of stellar variability
An iterative wave-front sensing algorithm for high-contrast imaging systems
An LED-based Flasher System for VERITAS
An off-axis, wide-field, diffraction-limited, reflective Schmidt Telescope
An optical mechanism for aberration of starlight
An Optical-UV Survey of the North Celestial Cap
An update of the on-sky performance of the Layer-Oriented wave-front sensor for MAD
An Updated Ultraviolet Calibration for the Swift/UVOT
Analysing ALMA data with CASA
Analysing Astronomy Algorithms for GPUs and Beyond
Analysis of measurement algorithms and modelling of interferometric signals for infrared astronomy
Analysis of Seeing-Induced Polarization Cross-Talk and Modulation Scheme Performance
Analysis of the Data from Compton X-ray Polarimeters which Measure the Azimuthal and Polar Scattering Angles
Analysis of the fraction of clear sky at the La Palma and Mt Graham sites
Analytic Modeling of Starshades