ACTPol: A polarization-sensitive receiver for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope
Adapting a Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator for Very Long Baseline Interferometry
Adaptive image ray-tracing for astrophysical simulations
Adaptive Langevin Sampler for Separation of t-Distribution Modelled Astrophysical Maps
Adaptive Optics for Astronomy
Adaptive Optics Observations of Exoplanets, Brown Dwarfs, & Binary Stars
Adaptive optics point spread function reconstruction: lessons learned from on-sky experiment on Altair/Gemini and pathway for future systems
Adaptive selective sidelobe canceller beamformer with applications in radio astronomy
Advanced Architectures for Astrophysical Supercomputing
Advanced code-division multiplexers for superconducting detector arrays
Advanced Data Reduction Techniques for MUSE
Advanced functionality for radio analysis in the Offline software framework of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Advanced modelling of the Planck-LFI radiometers
Advanced Multi-beam Spectrometer for the Green Bank Telescope
Advanced optimal extraction for the Spitzer/IRS
Advanced stereoscopic gamma-ray shower analysis with the MAGIC telescopes
Advanced Technology Large-Aperture Space Telescope (ATLAST): A Technology Roadmap for the Next Decade
Advances in Calibration and Imaging Techniques in Radio Interferometry
Adventures in Radio Astronomy Instrumentation and Signal Processing
Aesthetics and Astronomy: Studying the public's perception and understanding of non-traditional imagery from space