The Allen Telescope Array: The First Widefield, Panchromatic, Snapshot Radio Camera for Radio Astronomy and SETI
The ALMA Observation Support Tool
The AMBRE Project: Stellar parameterisation of the ESO:FEROS archived spectra
The AMIDAS Website: An Online Tool for Direct Dark Matter Detection Experiments
The ANTARES Telescope Neutrino Alert System
The antenna DSA 3 and its potential use for Radio Astronomy
The Anticoincidence Counter System of AMS-02
The Application of Cloud Computing to Astronomy: A Study of Cost and Performance
The Application of Cloud Computing to the Creation of Image Mosaics and Management of Their Provenance
The application of compressive sampling to radio astronomy I: Deconvolution
The application of compressive sampling to radio astronomy II: Faraday rotation measure synthesis
The ARCADE 2 Instrument
The Art of Data Science
The ASDC SED Builder Tool description and Tutorial
The ASTRO-H Mission
The Astro-WISE approach to quality control for astronomical data
The Astro-WISE Optical Image Pipeline: Development and Implementation
The astroclimatological comparison of the Paranal Observatory and El Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory
The astrometric core solution for the Gaia mission. Overview of models, algorithms and software implementation
The Astronomical, Astrobiological and Planetary Science Case for Interstellar Spaceflight