Reconstructing signals from noisy data with unknown signal and noise covariance
Reconstruction efficiency and discovery potential of a Mediterranean neutrino telescope: A simulation study using the Hellenic Open University Simulation & Reconstruction (HOURS) package
Reconstruction methods for acoustic particle detection in the deep sea using clusters of hydrophones
Reconstruction of Atmospheric Neutrinos in Antares
Reconstruction of signals with unknown spectra in information field theory with parameter uncertainty
Recovering isolated galaxies from large scale surveys: problems and strategies
Recovering Swift-XRT energy resolution through CCD charge trap mapping
Reducing the Dimensionality of Data: Locally Linear Embedding of Sloan Galaxy Spectra
Reference antenna techniques for canceling radio frequency interference due to moving sources
Refit to numerically problematic UMIST reaction rate coefficients
Reflex: Scientific Workflows for the ESO Pipelines
Regularization Techniques for PSF-Matching Kernels. I. Choice of Kernel Basis
Relation between various formulations of perturbation equations of celestial mechanics
Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics: Renormalized eigenvectors and full wave decomposition Riemann solver
Removing Internal Reflections from Deep Imaging Datasets
Report of IAU Commission 30 on Radial Velocities (2009-2012)
Research and calibration of Acoustic Sensors in ice within the SPATS (South Pole Acoustic Test Setup) project
Research of the active reflector antenna using laser angle metrology system
Research Science and Education: The NSF's Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
Results from the ANTARES neutrino telescope