Night-sky brightness monitoring in Hong Kong - a city-wide light pollution assessment
NIKA: A millimeter-wave kinetic inductance camera
NIKEL: Electronics and data acquisition for kilopixels kinetic inductance camera
NOAO 4-m Telescopes for Future Surveys
Noise and bias in square-root compression schemes
Noise properties of the CoRoT data: a planet-finding perspective
Noise Properties of the Planck-LFI Receivers
Noise-Compensating Algebraic Reconstruction for a Rotating Modulation Gamma-Ray Imager
Non-linear Least Squares Fitting in IDL with MPFIT
Non-linear parameter estimation for the LTP experiment: analysis of an operational exercise
Non-parametric Deprojection of Surface Brightness Profiles of Galaxies in Generalised Geometries
Nonlinear Dependence of the Phase Screen Structure Function on the Atmospheric Layer Thickness
Notes on the data analysis in high-energy astrophysics
Notes on the disentangling of spectra I. Enhancement in precision
Novel technique for supernova detection with IceCube
Now the Dark Electron Multiplier does sense direction of the daemon motion
Nuclear recoil energy scale in liquid xenon with application to the direct detection of dark matter
Nuclear Resonances: The quest for large column densities and a new tool
Nulling interferometry: impact of exozodiacal clouds on the performance of future life-finding space missions
Numerical control matrix rotation for the LINC-NIRVANA Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics system