Molecular photodissociation
Monitoring of the thermal neutron flux in the LSM underground laboratory
Monitoring the hard X-ray sky with SuperAGILE
Monolithic Ge:Ga Detector Development for SAFARI
Montage: a grid portal and software toolkit for science-grade astronomical image mosaicking
Montagem de um sistema de projeção digital para domo hemisférico
Monte Carlo Study on the Large Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes for >10 GeV gamma ray astronomy
Monte-Carlo simulations of the background of the coded-mask camera for X- and Gamma-rays on-board the Chinese-French GRB mission SVOM
Morphological effects on IR band profiles: Experimental spectroscopic analysis with application to observed spectra of oxygen-rich AGB stars
Moti e distanze angolari in cielo con telescopio e cronometro
Mt. Graham: Optical turbulence vertical distribution at standard and high vertical resolution
Multi-Aperture Imaging of Extrasolar Planetary Systems
Multi-Chroic Feed-Horn Coupled TES Polarimeters
Multi-Color Coronagraph Experiment in a Vacuum Testbed with a Binary Shaped Pupil Mask
Multi-component parametric inversion of galaxy kinematics and stellar populations using full spectral fitting
Multi-Dimensional, Compressible Viscous Flow on a Moving Voronoi Mesh
Multi-frequency, thermally coupled radiative transfer with TRAPHIC: Method and tests
Multi-line Analysis of Stellar Spectra in the VO Environment
Multi-line Stokes inversion for prominence magnetic-field diagnostics
Multi-physics simulations using a hierarchical interchangeable software interface