Linking Literature and Data: Status Report and Future Efforts
Linking Publications and Observations - the ESO Telescope Bibliography
LISA technology and instrumentation
Lo Gnomone Clementino: Astronomia Meridiana in Chiesa dal '700 ad oggi
Localization of gravitational wave sources with networks of advanced detectors
LOFAR and HDF5: Toward a New Radio Data Standard
LOFAR, LEAP and beyond: Using next generation telescopes for pulsar astrophysics
LOFAR: opening a new window on low frequency radio astronomy
LOFT - a Large Observatory For x-ray Timing
LOFT, the Large Observatory For X-ray Timing
LOFT: Large Observatory For X-ray Timing
Long baseline experiments with LOFAR
Long gravitational-wave transients and associated detection strategies for a network of terrestrial interferometers
Lossless Astronomical Image Compression and the Effects of Noise
Lossy compression of weak lensing data
Low frequency seeing and solar diameter measurements
Low-Energy Astrophysics: Stimulating the Reduction of Energy Consumption in the Next Decade
Low-Mass WIMP Sensitivity and Statistical Discrimination of Electron and Nuclear Recoils by Varying Luke-Neganov Phonon Gain in Semiconductor Detectors
Lower bounds on photometric redshift errors from Type Ia supernovae templates