Design, analysis, and testing of a microdot apodizer for the Apodized Pupil Lyot Coronagraph. II. The dot size impact. (Research Note)
Design, development and verification of the 30 and 44 GHz front-end modules for the Planck Low Frequency Instrument
Design, development, and verification of the Planck Low Frequency Instrument 70 GHz Front-End and Back-End Modules
Designing Large-Scale Imaging Surveys for a Retrospective Relative Photometric Calibration
Destriping CMB temperature and polarization maps
Detailed Studies of Atmospheric Calibration in Imaging Cherenkov Astronomy
Detecting Exoplanets in the Presence of Exozodiacal Dust Profiles
Detecting Quasars in Large-Scale Astronomical Surveys
Detecting short period variable stars with Gaia
Detecting Variability in Massive Astronomical Time-Series Data I: application of an infinite Gaussian mixture model
Detection and Imaging of the Crab Nebula with the Nuclear Compton Telescope
Detection noise bias and variance in the power spectrum and bispectrum in optical interferometry
Detection of elusive Radio and Optical emission from Cosmic-ray showers in the 1960s
Detection of fast radio transients with multiple stations: a case study using the Very Long Baseline Array
Detection of gravitational waves by pulsar timing
Detection of Gravitational Waves through Observations of a Group of Pulsars
Detection of krypton in xenon for dark matter applications
Detection of Periodic Variability in Simulated QSO Light Curves
Detection of Point Sources in Cosmic Ray Maps using the Mexican Hat Wavelet Family
Detection of radiation pressure from solar chameleons