Data Management At the UKIRT and JCMT
Data Mining and Machine Learning in Astronomy
Data Mining and Machine-Learning in Time-Domain Discovery & Classification
Data Models for Radio Astronomy in the VO
Data Provenance: Use Cases for the ESO archive, and Interactions with the Virtual Observatory
Data Reduction Pipeline for GTC/FRIDA
Data reduction strategy of the Effelsberg-Bonn HI Survey (EBHIS)
Data Reduction Techniques for High Contrast Imaging Polarimetry. Applications to ExPo
Data Sharing Options for Scientific Workflows on Amazon EC2
Data-oriented Diagnostics of Pileup Effects on the Suzaku XIS
Daytime Seeing and Solar Limb Positions
DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search at SNOLAB
DECam integration tests on telescope simulator
Deconvolution of VLBI Images Based on Compressive Sensing
Decreasing Computing Time with Symplectic Correctors in Adaptive Timestepping Routines
Dedicated front-end and readout electronics developments for real time 3D directional detection of dark matter with MIMAC
Deep sub electron noise readout in CCD systems using digital filtering techniques
Deep Underground Science and Engineering Lab: Dark Matter Working Group 2007 White Paper
Deep wide-field GMRT surveys at 610 MHz
Deep-Sea Acoustic Neutrino Detection and the AMADEUS System as a Multi-Purpose Acoustic Array