Cost-effective aperture arrays for SKA Phase 1: single or dual-band?
Costs and Difficulties of Large-Scale 'Messaging', and the Need for International Debate on Potential Risks
CRBLASTER: A Parallel-Processing Computational Framework for Embarrassingly-Parallel Image-Analysis Algorithms
Cross Calibration of Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes with Fermi
Cross-Analyzing Radio and $γ$-Ray Time Series Data: Fermi Marries Jansky
Cross-calibrating X-ray detectors with clusters of galaxies: an IACHEC study
Cross-disciplinary research in astronomy
CRT: A numerical tool for propagating ultra-high energy cosmic rays through Galactic magnetic field models
Cryogenic characterization of the Planck sorption cooler system flight model
Cryogenic environment and performance for testing the Planck radiometers
Cryogenic Volume-Phase Holograpic Grisms for MOIRCS
CSIP - a Novel Photon-Counting Detector Applicable for the SPICA Far-Infrared Instrument
CSPOB-Continuous Spectrophotometry of Black Holes
CTA - A Project for a New Generation of Cherenkov Telescopes
CTK - A new CCD Camera at the University Observatory Jena
CUDAEASY - a GPU Accelerated Cosmological Lattice Program
Current accumulation at an asymmetric 3D null point caused by generic shearing motions
Current and Nascent SETI Instruments
Current New Zealand Activities in Radio Astronomy: Building Capacity in Engineering & Science for the Square Kilometre Array
Current results of the PERSEE testbench: the cophasing control and the polychromatic null rate