Construction of a Calibrated Probabilistic Classification Catalog: Application to 50k Variable Sources in the All-Sky Automated Survey
Construction of Coupled Period-Mass Functions in Extrasolar Planets through the Nonparametric Approach
Continuum removal in Hα extragalactic measurements
Contributions from the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Consortium to the ICRC 2011
Contributions of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs to the International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI)
Controlling Artificial Viscosity in SPH simulations of accretion disks
Conversion from linear to circular polarization in FPGA
Coronagraphic Low Order Wave Front Sensor : post-processing sensitivity enhancer for high performance coronagraphs
Coronagraphic Low Order Wavefront Sensor: Principle and Application to a Phase-Induced Amplitude Coronagraph
Correcting for the ionosphere in the uv-plane
Correcting METIS spectra for telluric absorption to maximize spectral fidelity
Correcting the Astrometry of DASCH scanned plates
Correction of Field Rotator-Induced Flat-Field Systematics - A Case Study Using Archived VLT-FORS Data
Corrugated Silicon Platelet Feed Horn Array for CMB Polarimetry at 150 GHz
Cosmic Magnetism with the Square Kilometre Array and its Pathfinders
Cosmic Ray in the Northern Hemisphere: Results from the Telescope Array Experiment
Cosmic-ray physics with IceCube
Cosmological AMR MHD with Enzo
Cosmological Radiation Hydrodynamics with ENZO
Cosmological Simulations on a Grid of Computers