A First Constraint on the Thick Disk Scale Length: Differential Radial Abundances in K Giants at Galactocentric Radii 4, 8, and 12 kpc
A first measurement of the Proper Motion of the Leo II dwarf spheroidal galaxy
A Fluid-Dynamical Subgrid Scale Model for Highly Compressible Astrophysical Turbulence
A formation scenario of young stellar groups in the region of the Scorpio Centaurus OB association
A forming, dust enshrouded disk at z=0.43: the first example of a late type disk rebuilt after a major merger?
A Fossil Bulge Globular Cluster revealed by VLT Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics
A future very-high-energy view of our Galaxy
A Galactic Center Origin for HE 0437-5439, the Hypervelocity Star near the Large Magellanic Cloud
A gallery of bubbles - The nature of the bubbles observed by Spitzer and what ATLASGAL tells us about the surrounding neutral material
A gas cloud on its way towards the super-massive black hole in the Galactic Centre
A General Model for the CO-H2 Conversion Factor in Galaxies with Applications to the Star Formation Law
A global study of the HII region M43 and its ionizing star (I. Stellar parameters and nebular empirical analysis)
A Grand Rotation Curve and Dark Matter Halo in the Milky Way Galaxy
A Guide to Comparisons of Star Formation Simulations with Observations
A Heavy Baryonic Galactic Disc
A Herschel PACS and SPIRE study of the dust content of the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant
A Herschel Search For Cold Dust in Brown Dwarf Disks: First Results
A Herschel study of the properties of starless cores in the Polaris Flare dark cloud region using PACS and SPIRE
A Herschel study of YSO evolutionary stages and formation timelines in two fields of the Hi-GAL survey
A Hidden Population of Massive Stars with Circumstellar Shells Discovered with the Spitzer Space Telescope