F Turnoff Distribution in the Galactic Halo Using Globular Clusters as Proxies
Fabry-Perot Absorption Line Spectroscopy of the Galactic Bar. II. Stellar Metallicities
Faint, Evolving Radio AGN in SDSS Luminous Red Galaxies
Far Ultraviolet Diffuse Emission from the Large Magellanic Cloud
Far-infrared all sky diffuse mapping with AKARI
Far-Infrared detection of neutral atomic oxygen toward the Horsehead Nebula
Far-Infrared Luminous Supernova Remnant Kes 17
Far-Infrared to Millimeter Astrophysical Dust Emission. II: Comparison of the Two-Level Systems (TLS) model with Astronomical Data
Far-Ultraviolet Dust Albedo Measurements in the Upper Scorpius Cloud Using the SPINR Sounding Rocket Experiment
Far-ultraviolet Emission-line Morphologies of the Supernova Remnant G65.3+5.7
Faraday caustics: Singularities in the Faraday spectrum and their utility as probes of magnetic field properties
Faraday Rotation in the Tail of the Planetary Nebula DeHt 5
Faraday Rotation Measure Synthesis for Magnetic Fields of Galaxies
Faraday rotation of the supernova remnant G296.5+10.0: Evidence for a Magnetized Progenitor Wind
Fast coalescence of massive black hole binaries from mergers of galactic nuclei: implications for low-frequency gravitational-wave astrophysics
Fast Magnetic Reconnection and Energetic Particle Acceleration
Fast Magnetic Reconnection and Spontaneous Stochasticity
Fast Reconnection and Reconnection Diffusion: Implications for Star Formation
Fast rotating Blue Stragglers in the globular cluster M4
Fast, gusty winds blowing from the core of the pre-planetary nebula M2-56