Radial extent of the SGB in NGC 1851
Radial Migration in Disk Galaxies I: Transient Spiral Structure and Dynamics
Radial migration in galactic disks caused by resonance overlap of multiple patterns: Self-consistent simulations
Radial Migration in Galactic Thick Discs
Radial Mixing due to Spiral-Bar Resonance Overlap: Implications to the Milky Way
Radial Mixing in Galactic Disks: The Effects of Disk Structure and Satellite Bombardment
Radial mixing in the outer Milky Way disk caused by an orbiting satellite
Radial orbit instability as a dissipation-induced phenomenon
Radial orbit instability: review and perspectives
Radial Velocity and Metallicity of the Globular Cluster IC4499 Obtained with AAOmega
Radial-orbit instability in modified Newtonian dynamics
Radiation Feedback, Fragmentation, and the Environmental Dependence of the Initial Mass Function
Radiation pressure and absorption in AGN: results from a complete unbiased sample from Swift
Radiation thermo-chemical models of protoplanetary discs. III. Impact of inner rims on Spectral Energy Distributions
Radiation Transfer in the Cavity and Shell of Planetary Nebulae
Radiation-Hydrodynamic Simulations of the Formation of Orion-Like Star Clusters I. Implications for the Origin of the Initial Mass Function
Radiation-magnetohydrodynamic simulations of HII regions and their associated PDRs in turbulent molecular clouds
Radiation-MHD models of elephant trunks and globules in H II regions
Radiation-MHD simulations of pillars and globules in HII regions
Radiative Transfer and Radiative driving of Outflows in AGN and Starbursts