Hints of High Core Faraday Rotations from a Joint Analysis of VLBA and Optical Polarization Data
HIP 38939B: A New Benchmark T Dwarf in the Galactic Plane Discovered with Pan-STARRS1
Hip 63510C, Hip 73786B, and nine new isolated high proper motion T dwarf candidates from UKIDSS DR6 and SDSS DR7
History and modes of star formation in the most active region of the Small Magellanic Cloud, NGC 346
Hitting the Bull's-eye: The Radial Profile of Accretion and Star Formation in the Milky Way
HNCO enhancement by shocks in the L1157 molecular outflow
Homogeneous Metallicities and Radial Velocities for Galactic Globular Clusters
Homogeneous photometry and star counts in the field of 9 Galactic star clusters
Homologous Gravitational Collapse in Lagrangian Coordinate: Planetary System in Protostar and Cavity in Pre-Supernova
Host galaxies, clustering, Eddington ratios, and evolution of radio, X-ray, and infrared-selected AGNs
Hot gas haloes around disc galaxies: O VII column densities from galaxy formation simulations
Hot Gas in the Galactic Thick Disk and Halo Near the Draco Cloud
Hot HCN around young massive stars at 0.1" resolution
How axi-symmetric is the inner HI disc of the Milky Way?
How can vorticity be produced in irrotationally forced flows?
How complex is the obscuration in AGN? New clues from the Suzaku monitoring of the X-ray absorbers in NGC7582
How Does Feedback Affect Milky Way Satellite Formation?
How galaxies form: Mass assembly from chemical abundances in the era of large surveys
How important is the dark matter halo for black hole growth?
How Local is the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field?